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Brooklyn, NY 11203
Foreclosure History
Property details
The description and property data below may have been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records.
621 E New York Ave #4R, Brooklyn, NY 11203 is a Condo built in 1999. This property currently has an estimated value of $1,456,400. According to the Brooklyn public records, the property at 621 E New York Ave #4R, Brooklyn, NY 11203 has approximately 1,338 square feet.
Property facts
Primary Land Use and Tax Lot Information
for 621 E New York Ave #4R
Sold Homes
near 621 E New York Ave #4R
Address | Price | Beds | Baths |
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Home Value
for 621 E New York Ave #4R
Estimated values are not a substitute for professional expertise. Contact your RE agent for a market assessment.